Marco ColdBRU Coffee Machine

15W. Maximum dispense: 10.5Ltr

£1,749.99 (Ex Vat)


The Marco ColdBRU coffee machine is an innovative solution for maximising the amount of coffee you get from your grounds.

Able to produce coffee concentrate in under 3 hours, the ColdBRU means there no need to pre-wet or stir the grinds. Simply set the desired output and in under 3 hours you’ll have a high quality, great-tasting coffee concentrate coffee.

Delivering an average 30% more from the same amount of coffee used in comparison to traditional coffee brewers, the savings are clear to see. The higher yield also means less coffee going to waste and more coffee to sell. Plus, as there’s no need for filter papers, there’s even less waste generated.

Compatible with the Marco POUR’D Concentrate Dispense System.

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